Dr. S. Faye Snyder
A Professional Corporation
PSY #24806, MFC #29816
Psychologist and Marriage and Family Therapist
15545 Devonshire Street, #208
Mission Hills, CA 91345
6200 Lake Ming Road, #A4
Bakersfield, CA 93306
work tel: (661) 496-9499
work fax fax: (661) 558-4164

Curriculum Vitae

Employment History


Continuing Education within Specialty
Parenting and Long Range Effects of Childhood Trauma:

40-Hour Course on Mediation. Ryokan College, 11965 Venice Boulevard, West Los Angeles. Steven Unruh, MDiv., MFT. June 5-26, 2018. [56]

2018 Annual California Coalition on Sex Offending Conference. “MEGA: Assessing Risk Protective Factors in Youth Ages 4-19” by L. Miccio-Fonseca, PhD. (8 CEs); Adolescents Who Have Engaged in Sexually Abusive Behavior: Characteristics and Assessment by Drs. Miccio-Fonseca and Andrew Mendosa (8 CEs). San Diego, CA. May 8-9, 2018 [16]

Batterers Intervention Facilitator Training, 40 hours. Meets California Probation Core Basic Requirements as evidenced in Code 1203.098. CBCI, June 11, 2017. [116 CEs for 2017]

Annual California Coalition on Sexual Offending 20th Annual Training Conference (14 CEs) Keynote: “The Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview: Empathy as an informative tool”, Dave Markel; “Psychopathy Within” by Eva Maram, PhD; “When evaluating adolescents with sexual behavior problems, compare against 25,000 assessments” by Brett White, PhD; Film: Untouchable, Daniel Glenn; “Major Mental Health Issues in Sexual Offenders” by Rachyl Dempsey, PsyD, Michelle Wyospal, PsyD and Venus Klinger, PsyD. “Supervision Training for Clinicians Working with Sexually Abusive Clients” by Marti Fredericks, LMFT and Miccio-Fonseca, PhD. San Ramon, CA May 10-11, 2017. 

Evidence Based Trauma Treatments and Interventions (25 CEs) by Eric Gentry, PhD, distance learning video course and testing presented by OnSite Strategies, Roseville, CA. May 2, 2017.

Gateway Intervention Training (25 CEs), OnSite Strategies. Intervention techniques for addicts and alcoholics. Dr. Jessica Rodriguez, Roseville. CA, April 7-9, 2017.

Psycho-Legal Associates (4 CEs). “Domestic Violence Update: Special Populations & Topics Home Study.” March 29, 2017.

Psycho-Legal Associates (8 CEs). “Child Custody Update: Interviewing, Assessment and Testimony”. Jonathan W. Gould Home Study. March 29, 2017. 

California Association of Anger Management Professionals and Anger Management Essentials. (12 CEs). Anita Avedian, MFT et al. September 26-27, 2016. [20.5so/47.5 CEs + 14 hours]

Psycho-Legal Associations (4 CEs). “Domestic Violence Update: Assessing and Treating Battered Women, Batters and their Children”. Michele Harway, PhD, ABPP & Marsali Hansen, PhD, ABPP, May 10, 2016. 

Psycho-Legal Associates (8 CEs). “Child Custody Update: Interviewing, Assessment and Testimony”. Jonathan W. Gould Home Study. July 4, 2016. [27.5so/35.5 CEs + 14 hours]

The International Psychohistory Association. (14 hours) “The Worm at the Core: The Role of Death in Life”, Sheldon Solomon, PhD; “The Future of Psychohistory: Reflections on How People and Society Change”, Paul Elovitz; “Neuro-Psychoanalysis and NeuroHermeneutics: “Integrative Transdisciplinary Methodologies of Meaning Making”, Inna Rozentsvit, MD, PhD; “Political Violence: Rage and Its Meaning in an Age of Terrorism, War and Genocide”, Charles B. Strozier, PhD and David Lotto, PhD; “The False Memory Debate Revisited; Designing Research to Predict and Understand Behavior according to Critical Childhood Experiences”, S. Faye Snyder, PsyD; “Psychological Effects of Boko Haram Activities on Families in North-Eastern Nigeria”; “Punitive Parenting and Christian Fundamentalism”, Constance L. Benson, M. Div. “The Intergenerational Trauma of Slavery”; “Scars of War: New Perspectives on Trauma and Healing”. New York University, 60 Washington Square. June 1-2, 2016 [27.5so +14 hours] 

2016 Annual California Coalition on Sex Offending Conference (20.5 so/20.5 CEs). San Diego, CA. May 10-13, 2016. [27.5]

Department of Probation Containment Meeting (2 so hours), Van Nuys, March 9, 2016. [7.5]

California State University, Sacramento. (4 CEs) Stable-2007/Acute-2007 Training in Predicting Sexual Offending Behavior. January 21, 2016. [5.5so]

CCOSO Los Angeles (1.5 hours), John Flentz, polygrapher. The Psychology of Polygraph Administration. Los Angeles Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Jan. 22, 2016. [1.5so/X]

SFV CAMFT monthly seminars at 1.5 hours each (6 CEs). Making the Invisible Visible: Therapy with Transgender Youth & Seniors (7/26/2015), Marie Keller, PhD & Susan Landon, MFT; Grief across the Ages, Debi & Mark Frankle (11/8/2015), MFTs; (4/12/15) Relationship Theory and Therapy: A Resolution Revolution; Finding Order in Personality Disorders, The DSM-5 and Beyond, Janet K. Smith, PhD. Woodland Hills, CA. [23/59.5] 59 CEs for 2015.

Certification as Anger Management Specialist-I. (14 CEs) National Anger Management Association. Anger Management Training and Certification. August 25-26, 2015. [23/53.5] 

Annual Collaborative Training Conference, presented by the California Commission on Sexual Offending (9 CEs add’l). Trauma Informed Issues, Assessment, and Intervention for Juvenile and Adult Sex Offenders by Robert Geffner, PhD; The Hunting Ground; The Criminogenic Needs of Sex Offenders by Deirdre D’Orazio, PhD; The Containment Model for Field Officers. Sponsored by the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) at Alliant International University and the California Coalition on Sex Offending CCOSO. Monterey Marriott, May 14-15, 2015. [23/39.5]

The SARATSO Sponsored TRACK: The Stable 2007/Acute 2007 risk assessment tool with certification,

presented by Lea Chankin (14 hours). Monterey Marriott, May 12-13, 2015. [14/30.5]

Developmental Trauma: Where Trauma Meets Attachment (7 CEs). Bessel van der Kolk, MD, keynote; Heather Forbes, LCSW, panel; Stephanie Covington, PhD, LCSW, “Breaking Down the Bars”; Ruth Beaglehole, MA, Founder Echo Parenting and Education (7 CEs), Los Angeles, March 5-6, 2015. [16.5]

Inventing the Future: Getting Ahead of the Curve for California’s Families. (13 v 9.5 CEs) “Sometimes Things Aren’t What They Seem: Child Custody Evaluation in the Context of Coercive-Controlling Intimate Partner Violence” (1.5 CEs) by William Austin, PhD; Gabrielle Davis, JD; Robin Deutsch, PhD; Leslie Drozd, PhD; Loretta Frederick, JD; Arnold Shienvold, PhD and Nancy Ver Steegh, JD, MSW. “Gathering of the Gods, Clash of the Titans: A Round Table of California Judges” by Hon. Michael Gassner; Hon. Maureen Hallahan; Hon. Lon Hurwitz; Hon. Mark Juhas; Mary Lund, PhD; Hon. Clay Smith; Justice Sheila Prell Sonenshine (Ret.); “Navigating Complex Legal, Ethical & Practical Issues in Family Law: We’re Not Here to Scare You” by Leslie Drozd, PhD; A. Steven Frankel; PhD, JD; Steven Sparta, PhD; “The Other Side of the Child’s Voice” by Steven Friedlander, PhD; Robert Kaufman, PhD; Comm. Marjorie Slabach (Ret.). Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Los Angeles (AFCC-LA), Westin South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa, CA, February 6-8, 2015. [9.5]

Developments in Sex Offender Risk Assessment: Practical Application in Community and Institutional Settings, New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services Office of Sex Offender Management. http://www.static99.org/training.html. (6 hours) Part I: Static 2002 v Static 99 and Recidivism Estimates of Female Sex Offenders, Developmentally Delayed and the Mentally Ill by Karl Hanson (1.25 hours); Part II, Sadists, Psychopaths, Extra-Familial Child Molesters by David Thornton (2 hours); Part III: How Do You Use Dynamic Risk Assessments in Institutional Settings: How Do You Know When an Offender’s Risk Assessment Has Changed? How Do Your Rate Someone Who Has Been Incarcerated for 20 Years? by David Thornton (2.75 hours). (Total 6 hours, taken December 31, 2014.) 2014 = 34.5 CEs + 15 CEs unrelated (see below) + 30 hours professional training out of state or country. [18/X]

Attachment and Psychopathology (24 hours, 3 hours on sex offenders), including 5-hour segment on Attachment Strategies of Sex Offenders by Patricia Crittenden, PhD. Tavistock Clinic, London England, November 14-16, 2014. [12/27 + 24 hours]

Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles 36th Annual Child Custody Colloquium (6.5 CEs). When a Child Rejects a Parent: Exploring Rejection, Resolution and Reunification. Sept. 20, 2014. [9/27]

CAMFT 50th Annual Conference. (16 CEs) Adolescents as Symptom Bearers by Alan Luddington, MFT (2 CEs); Approach to Addressing Addictive Disorders by Claudia Black (2 CEs); From Difficult to Dangerous (2 CEs) by Ronald Mah; The Closer Together, the Further Apart: The Effect of Digital Technology on Sex, Dating and Relationships; Predicting and Understanding Behavior by Faye Snyder, PsyD (2 CEs); May 1-4, 2014, Indian Wells, CA. [6/20.5]

SFV-CAMFT Monthly Seminars. “Findings of Neuroscience and Affect Regulation Theory in Psychotherapy Practice”, Delphine DeMore, PhD (10/13/13); “Cultivating Sensitivity in Working with Gay Clients” by Steve Isaacman (4/13/14); “When the Body Knows What the Mind Cannot Say,” Aline LaPierre, PsyD (9/14/14); SFV CAMFT, Woodland Hills Country Club. [4.5] 

Riding the Wave of the Future: Global Voices, Expanding Choices in Child Custody Evaluations (14.5 CEs): “Bias” by Robert Kaufman, PhD, Judith R. Forman, Esq., PC, (with white paper “Minding the Court: Enhancing the Decision-Making Process” by Pamela Casey, PhD, Judge Kevin Burke and Judge Steve Leven); “Risk Assessment” by Frank Ezzo, PhD (2 CEs) ; Court Orders; “Sex Abuse Allegations” (2 CEs) by William Austin, PhD, Milfred “Bud” Dale, PhD, JD, Kathryn Kuchnie, PhD; “50 Years of Cognitive Science--Decision Making and Parenting Plans” by Nancy Olsen, PhD, Leslie M. Drozd, PhD, Michael Saini, PhD and the Hon. Marjorie Slabach; “Brief Focused Assessments” by Kenneth B. Perlmutter, PhD and Faren Arkins, PhD, JD; “Assessing Parent-Child Deficiencies and Interactions” by David Weinstock, JD, PhD and John Moran, PhD; “Self-Represented Litigants” by Jacqueline Singer, PhD, Brandon Blevans and JD, Hon. Louise Bayles-Fightmaster. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC). JW Marriott Los Angeles LA LIVE, May 29-June 1, 2013. 2013 = 33.5 CEs. [2/33.5]

Empathic Therapy Conference(19 CEs). Toxic Psychiatry Today, Peter Breggin, MD; Working with the Deeply Disturbed for Genuine Healing: A Master Class, Bert Karon, PhD; Predicting Behavior by Faye Snyder, PsyD (2 CEs); A Pediatrician Take a Stand on ADHD and Stimulants, Tom Ryan, MD; Pharmaceutical Companies: The Largest Legal Settlements in US History and Illegal Marketing of Antipsychotic Drugs: Stephen Sheller, Esq. An Alternative to Bullying by Howard Glasser; Healing the Invisible Wounds of War by by Gayle Rozantine, PhD; Psychiatric Drug Tragedies: Personal, Legal and Medical Perspectives: Mathy Downing, Margaret & Tracy Orban and Peter Breggin, MD. RCS Cassidy Seminars. Syracuse, New York. April 23-25, 2013. [19]

Empathic Therapy Conference(21.5 CEs). Peter Breggin, MD; Bert Karon, PhD, Robert Whitaker, Faye Snyder, PsyD; et al. RCS Cassidy Seminars. Syracuse, New York. April 13-15, 2012. 2012 = 45 CEs + 6 required/unrelated CEs = 57 CEs for 2012

Child Custody Update Training for California Court Rule 5.25 (8 CEs). Nancy Olesen, PhD. Psycho-Legal Associates, National University, Costa Mesa. February 3, 2012

Domestic Violence: Research & Recommendations for Child Custody Evaluators (4 CEs). Nancy Olesen, PhD. Psycho-Legal Associates, National University, LA. January 21, 2012 [4]

12-Hour Domestic Violence for Child Custody Evaluators (12 CEs). Daniel Sonkin, PhD. January 3, 2012. [12]

4-Hour Domestic Violence. Philip M. Stahl, PhD. Domestic Violence: 4-Hour Annual Update for California Court Rule 5.230. Psycho-Legal Associates. December 31, 2011. 2011 = 32 CEs.

14-Hour Assessing Psychopathy with the PCL-R, (14 CEs) Reid Meloy, PhD, Specialized Training Services, Inc. Culver City, December 9-10, 2011. [14]

7-Hour Assessing and Treating Sexual Offenders (7 CEs), Anna Salter, PhD, Specialized Training Services, Inc. Culver City, December 8, 2011.

Attachment in Therapy: Mindfully using the Clinically-Derived Adult Attachment Interview in Therapy with Individuals and Couples. (7 CEs) Rebecca Stanton, PhD, Growing Together Alliance. October 1, 2011.

12-Hour Child Custody Update Training for California. (12 CEs) S. Margaret Lee, PhD. Psycholegal Associates. Costa Mesa. September 24-25, 2010. (12 CEs 2010)

International Psychohistory Association 33rd Annual Convention, “Psychohistory & Psychobiolgraphy in the Work of Sigmund Feud: The Dilemmas Freud Left for Contemporary Psychohistory, Ken Fuchsman; Dreams as Historical Artifacts, by Abby Stein; My Thirty Years with the Second World War by Psychohistorian David Beisel; The True Story of Jeffrey Dahmer and Other Killers by Faye Snyder, PsyD; Dysfuncitonal Families by Harriet Fraad; Pioneers of Insight: The History of Psychohistory; Sexual Abuse of the Child: A Treatment Model for the Incestuous Family. (18 hours, not for CEs.) Fordham University, New York, New York. June 9 - June 11, 2010. 

12-Hour Child Custody Update Training for California Rules 5.225 & 5.230 (12 CEs) Nancy Williams Olesen, PhD. Psycho-Legal Associates. National University, LA. Nov. 13-14, 2009. (22 CEs 2009)

2009 Domestic Violence Training for Child Custody Evaluators and Mediators 5.215 and 5.230 & Family Code 3110.5(a) (4 CEs) Jacquelyn Campbell, PhD, RN: “Assessing for Danger in Child Custody Evaluation and Mediation.” “Equivalence in the Domestic Violence Literature: the Use and Misuse of Research.” Family Court Services, Los Angeles Superior Court, Center of the Cathedral Plaza, LA. January 23, 2009.

12-Hour Child Custody Update Training for California Rules 5.225 & 5.230 (12 CEs) Leslie M. Drozd, PhD, editor Journal of Child Custody. International University, Costa Mesa. April 25-26, 2008. 2008 = 12 CEs. 

12-Hour Child Custody Update Training for California Rules 5.225 & 5.230 (12 CEs) Lyn R. Greenberg, PhD. Psycho-Legal Associates, Marina del Rey. November 9-10, 2007.

12-Hour Child Custody Update Training for California Rules 5.225 & 5.230 (12 CEs) Matthew J. Sullivan, Ph.D. Psycho-Legal Associates, Marina del Rey. October 2006.

Conducting Child Custody Evaluations (20 CEs) Marc Ackerman, Ph.D. Specialized Training Services. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles. December 8-10, 2005. (55 CEs in 2005)

Domestic Violence: New Perspectives on Assessment and Treatment (14 CEs) Donald Dutton, Ph.D. Specialized Training Services. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles. December 6-7, 2005.

12-Hour Child Custody Update Training for California Court Rules 5.225 & 5.230 (12 CEs, including 4 CEs in Assessing Domestic Violence). Joan B. Kelly, Ph.D. Psycho-Legal Associates, Inc. Marina del Rey. October 28 and 29, 2005.

Adoptive Parenting. (3 CEs) Ellen Glazer, LCSW. GSC Home Study. October 13, 2005.

Attachment Therapy Training and Empowerment Retreat (not for CEs). Bryan Post, PhD. The Post Institute for Family-Centered Therapy. San Diego. September 29 - October 1, 2005.

Exploring the MacDonald Triad & Other Early Signs and Symptoms of Serial Killers, (3 CEs). Christine Randle, LCSW. GSC Home Study Courses. September 14, 2005. 

Attachment Theory: Implications for Psychological Development (3 CEs). Diana Lynn Barnes, PsyD, LMFT. GSC Home Study Courses. September 14, 2005.

12-Hour Child Custody Update Training for California Court Rules 5.225 & 5.230, Stephen Doyne Ph.D. Psycho-Legal Associates, Inc. Sherman Oaks, California. April 17 and 18th, 2004. (12 CEs in 2004)

New Developments in Attachment Theory (16 hours). Drs. Allan Shore, Daniel 

Siegel, Beatrice Beebe, Daniel Stern, and Sir Richard Bowlby. Ackerman Student Union

UCLA. March 8-9, 2003. (36 CEs in 2003)

20-Hour Custody Training on Testing, Testifying, Mediation, Parental Alienation, Domestic Violence and Child Sexual Abuse Assessment Part II (20 CEs). Gerald Klein, JD; Stephen Doyne, PhD on Domestic Violence and Child Sexual Abuse Assessment [7 hrs.] Psychological Testing & Expert Testimony, Ira R. Gorman, PhD, ABPP [7 hrs.]. Divorce Mediation & Parental Alienation, Gerald L. Klein [6 hrs.] Psycho-Legal Associates, Inc. Hilton, Pasadena. January 24-26, 2003.  

20-Hour Child Custody Training Part I for Rule 1257.4 and Report Writing, Part I (20 CEs). A. Steven Frankel, PhD, JD and Ira R. Gorman, PhD, ABPP. Psycho-Legal Associates, Inc. Hilton, Woodland Hills. July 19-21, 2002. (45 CEs in 2002) 

Attachment and Intersubjectivity in the Healing Relationship (4 CEs). David Wallin, PhD. R. Cassedy Siminars. Skirball Cultural Center. Summer, 2002.

Intersubjectivity and Relational Theory: How the New Paradigm Transforms the Way We Work (4 CEs). David Wallin, PhD. R. Cassedy Seminars. Skirball Cultural Center. Summer, 2002.

Re-Examining the Medical Model of Mental Illness (6 CEs). Ty Colbert, Ph.D. Psycho-Legal Associates, Inc. Holiday Inn, Bel Air. May 30, 2002.

Client Anger: Prevalent and Treatable (4 CEs). Arlen Ring, PhD. California State University at Northridge. April 27, 2002.

Domestic Violence Counseling Strategies: From Resistance to Real Change (7 CEs). Scott Barella, MS, MFT. California State University at Northridge. April 21, 2002.

Legal Issues of Treating Children (7 CEs). Richard Leslie, Esq. Self-Study. 2/15/2002.

Annual Conference on Attachment and Bonding (16 CEs). Keynote Speaker: Foster Cline, MD. Heal the Hearts Foundation. Riverside. January 10-11, 2000.

Evaluation & Treatment of Sex Offenders, Psycholegal Associates, Wesley Maram, PhD (6.5 hours). Huntington Beach, May 5, 2000 (6 CEs). Oct. 15, 1999.

Stabilization Techniques for Borderline Behavior (3 CEs). Teri M. Pokrajac, PsyD. Masters and Johnson Trauma Based Disorders Program at Del Amo Hospital, Torrance. April,1997.

Treating Borderline Personality Disorder (8 hours). Marsha M. Linehan, PhD. Ramada Inn, Sherman Oaks. Summer, 1997.

Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Worker Safety (14 hours). Lois Miller. DCFS Crisis Prevention Institute, Los Angeles. September 13-14, 1995.

Attachment Issues for Abused Children (3.5 hours). DCFS Training. Santa Fe Springs. July 1, 1995.Mock Court (8 hours). USC Tyler Building. DCFS Training. June 28, 1995.

California Risk Assessment (16 hours). Lois Miller. DCFS Training. Training Center, Santa Fe Springs. June 20-21, 1995.

CSW Child Abuse Assessment and Reporting (320 hours). Training for Department of Children and Family Services Social Work. Long Beach. April 21 to June 19, 1994.

Broken Hearts and Wounded Spirits: Inside the Inner World of the Abused Child (5 hours). Impact Seminars, Professional Development and Training Services. Ramada Inn, LAX. March 17, 1994.

Saturday Film Series on Infant Neglect and Trauma (8 hours). Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies. Los Angeles campus. March,1994.

Interviewing the Child Witness: Implications for Investigating Child Sexual Abuse (16 hours). California Legal Educational Services. Hyatt, Irvine. Feb. 23-26, 1994.

Understanding the DSM-IV Personality Disorders: A Renaissance in Clinical Theory, Assessment and Therapy Workshop (8 hours). Dr. Theodore Millan, one of the authors. Sherman Oaks Ramada Inn. November 12, 1993.

Conference on Shame (22 hours). John Bradshaw, MA, et. al. Tropicana Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada. April, 1991.

Deep Healing Techniques (8 hours). Kip Flock, MS, LCSW. John Bradshaw Training. Ingleside Hospital. August 12, 1991.

Licenses and Certifications:

Required and Related Workshops:

Clinical Supervision: Traditional and Contemporary Issues and Processes (California). Steven Sultanoff. Association for Advanced Training in the Behavioral Sciences (AATBS). Home study. 6 CEs. July 4, 2016.

The New ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes and Other Insurance Essentials Every Therapist Should Know.(6 CEs). Barbara Griswold, LMFT. PaRC, Granada Hills. Sept. 26, 2015.

Understanding and Utilizing the DSM-5 and ICD-10 Diagnostic and Statistical Systems, Jennifer De Feo, PhD (6 hrs), Granada Hills. Aug. 18, 2015.

From the Top, Jill Epstein. SFV CAMFT, Woodland Hills Country Club. 1.5 CEs. June 28, 2015.

A Psychiatrist’s View on Psychotherapy. SFV CAMFT, Woodland Hills Country Club. 1.5 CEs. June 2 (6/28/15), Psychotropic Medication and Collaboration between the Professions, with Lance Steinberg, MD (11/9/2014). Finding Order in Personality Disorders: The DSM-5 and Beyond, Dr. Janet K. Smith (10/12/14). SFV CAMFT Membership Presentations (6 CEs, total): (06/28/2015). Reviving Rhythm: Music Medicine for Mind, Body & Soul with Christine Stevens, MSW, MT-BC, MA (Jan. 19, 2014); Marketing and Social Media: What They Never Taught You in Graduate School—How to Build a Profitable Private Practice with Elana Clark-Faler, LCSW (February 9, 2014); Cultivating Sensitivity in Working with Gay Clients Steve Isaacman (4/13/14);Eating Disorders: Covert to Overt with Alli Spotts-DeLazzer, LMFT (March 16, 2014); From the Top, Jill Epstein, (7/13/14); Sex, Chocolate and Other Cravings: Finding Satisfaction for Ourselves and Our Clients by Darlene Basch, LCSW (6/1/14). SFV CAMFT Membership Presentations (9 CEs). Woodland Hills Country Club (Sept. 14, 2014).

ACLS Training in Basic Life Support. Online. Certified from 10/10/13 to 10/10/17

CAMFT 50th Annual Conference (3 CEs. See above for more CEs) On Being a Master Therapist by Jeff Kottler, PsyD; Telehealth: Past, Present and Future with Tom Farris, PhD. May 1-4, Indian Wells, CA. May 1-4, 2014. Indian Wells, CA.

Integrating the Findings of Neuroscience and Affect Regulation Theory in Psychotherapy Practice by Delphine DeMore, PhD. (October 13, 2013). SFV-CAMFT, Woodland Hills.

Affect Regulation Theory in Psychotherapy Practice by Delphine DeMore, PhD. California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, San Fernando Valley Chapter, Woodland Hills Country Club, October 13, 2013. 1.5 CEs (37.5 CEs 2013).

Clinical Supervision: A Competency-Based Approach (6 CEs), Carol Falender, PhD and Edward Shafranske, PhD. Psych-Legal Associates, Home Study. April 3, 2012.

A Supervisor’s Journal I: Clinical Supervision, Law and Ethics Supervising a First-Year Intern (6 CEs), Kate Amatruda, LMFT. psychCE.com. June 10, 2009.

CPSE 2-Day Workshop on California Licensing Exam, Michael Kerner. Sheraton Gateway, LAX, Los Angeles. October 3-4, 2009.

EPPP 4-Day Workshop on National Licensing Exam, AATBS, Handlery Resort and Hotel. February 5-8, 2009.

The Dangerous Patient Revisited (2 CEs) Richard Leslie, JD. Home Study, CAMFT, July 18, 2008.

Narcissism and Desire. (6 CEs) Roberta Lichter, PhD. Psycho-Legal Associates, Woodland Hills. June 20, 2008.

Child Abuse Reporting (2 CEs) Richard Leslie, Home Study, CAMFT, October 5, 2007.

Family Therapy and Custody Disputes (2 CEs). Richard Leslie, JD. Home Study, CAMFT. October 5, 2007.

Professional Ethics for MFTs. (2 CEs). Richard Leslie, JD. Home Study, CAMFT, October 5, 2007.

Confidentiality (2 CEs) Richard Leslie, JD. Home Study, CAMFT, October 5, 2007.

Treating Children Legal Issues (2 CEs) Richard Leslie. Home Study, CAMFT, October 5, 2007.

Dealing with a Subpoena (2 CEs) Richard Leslie, JD. Home Study, CAMFT, September 11, 2007.

Are All Dual Relationships Unethical? (2 CEs) Richard Leslie, JD. CAMFT, September 11. 2007.

Clinical Supervision: Best Practices (6 CEs) Steven Sultanoff, Ph.D. Psycho-Legal Associates, Marina del Rey. October, 2006.

Ethics and Jurisprudence Part I. (3 CEs) A.J. Barnert, MA, LMFT. GSC Home Study Courses. October 13, 2005.

Ethics and Jurisprudence Part II. (3 CEs) A.J. Barnert, MA, LMFT. GSC Home Study Courses. October 13, 2005.

Ethics: Problematic Issues and Decision Making. (3 CEs) Jeffrey Larson, RTP, L/ATC. GSC Home Study Courses. October 13, 2005+

Invoking the Sage, Jonathan Young, PhD (7 CE) Woodland Hills. April, 2005.

Self-Care Tools for Women in Transition (1 CE) Pine Mountain Institute. Feb. 14, 2002.

Malpractice: A Problem to be Avoided (7CEs) Dick Leslie, Home Study. Feb. 15, 2002.

The Evolution of Psychotherapy (31.5 CEs) Bandura, Black, Huxley, Corsini, Gottman, Haley, Zeig, Masterson, Ellis, Glasser, Rossi, Hillman, Beck, Kernbert, Meichenbaum, Lazarus, Minuchin, Watzlawick, Yalom, Madanes, et. al. The Milton Erickson Foundation, Inc. Anaheim. May 25-29, 2000.

Buddhist Psychology and Psychoanalysis (7 CEs) Concertta Alfano, MSW, PhD and John Buksbazen, MA, MFT. Southern California Psychoanalytic Institute at the Santa Monica Zen Center. May 14, 2000.

HIV/AIDS (7 CEs), NASW. Marriott Hotel, Manhattan Beach. April 14, 2000.

Chemical Dependency, (7 CEs) NASW. Marriott Hotel, Manhattan Beach. April 15, 2000.

Success Motivation Coaching (8 CEs) Lynn Kelley-Jones, MFT. NASW Home Study.

Advanced Workshop in Effective Clinical Supervision (15 CEs) Dana Weinstein, LCSW, MFT and Shirl Kelemer, PhD, MFT, presenters. Psychotherapy Training Institute. LAX Airport Hotel. February 4 and 5, 2000.

Zen Life Intensive, Bill Yoshin Jordan, Santa Monica Zen Center, (10 hrs.) Nov. 5-6 1999.

A Re-Introduction to Your Original Self, Bill Yoshin Jordan, Santa Monica Zen Center, May 29, 1999 (6 hours).

Therapists at Risk Conference for Professionals (8 hours). Listening Perspectives Study Center. Orange. April 16, 1994.

Film Series 1, Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies, (3 hours), February 18, 1994. Orientation to Crisis Intervention and Debriefing (8 hours) Gary Ross, PhD, MFCC.

American Red Cross Mental Health Services Coordinator and CAMFT. LA, CA. Feb. 5, 1994. 


Seminar Instructor for State Certified Continuing Education:

Speaking Engagements:

Published Materials:

